Kalimpong | Sapna ko Rangharu | 30 Days Notebook |Bickey Entertainment

#Kalimpong #Sapna ko Rangharu #30 Days Notebook
Music: Saphal Thapa
Lyrics: Pushkar Parajuli
Arranger : Sumit Biswakarma
DOP : Subham Pradhan
Asst. DOP : Anuraj Rai
Edit/Directed by : Bickey Pradhan 
'Sapana ka rangharu' song describes the feelings that a young heart holds in itself.. It depicts the love that the girl has and the expectations she keeps from the man she loves... Her numerous, colourful dreams which she expects to take shape beautifully..
  • Paramount-School
  • Vrindavan-School
  • साँझले-बोलाउँदै-छ-।-Sajha-le-Bolaudaicha-।-Daniel-Gadal-।-Dedicated-to-late.-Nawaraj-B.-K-&-Friends